Monday 4 January 2016

Swift Sculpture first development of body form

Streamlined excellence in one bird species - JOEL has applied  the first layers of clay to achieve the shape of the body
It is noticeable that the angle of view affects the appearance of the wing and body  contours

The eye is in its initial site to help with the proportions.

After more detail to the head and shape of body JOEL will be making more research and will then start to apply the feathers to the wings.
The Long Journey continues

Swift Sculpture Armature

Sculptress JOEL has taken the time needed to make the armature to support the clay  for the Swift Sculpture.

Materials need to be strong enough to hold the weight of the clay and yet keep within the sculpture profile

Key Reference for Swift Profile

After consultation we have a key reference image for the flying Swift Sculpture
Swift Apus Apus in flight      photo by  Tom Lindroos

Wing measurements and research

JOEL has already started to receive help from supporters of the Swift.
She has also benefited from the collection at Leicester Museum - thanks particularly to Mark Evans for all his assistance just before Christmas.

" I was expecting to have to take another trip to the British Museum collection at Tring...but am delighted to find such a rich resource of  Bird form and feather references at Leicester Museum"
Close up of  Swift wing detail             photo J. Walker

Seeing live birds in the hand is a great way to study them  - but longer time and more images and measurements can be taken from preserved individuals.

Thanks also to Jake Allsop, Dick Newell and Edward Mayer  for the help with contacts for the Swift Sculpture Project and information and links on Swifts and their Conservation.

Swift (Apus Apus) Conservation

The start of a project to help the  conservation and its publicity of the Swift (Apus Apus)
  Study  and research of this lovely bird is being undertaken by the Sculptress JOEL.

Swift Wing Shape captured against a blue sly